Controversy. It's In Our Name.

October 30-November 1, 2025 | Boston, MA

Controversial & Fun?!

The Controversies in Dialysis Access (CiDA) meeting is the leading educational forum for surgeons, radiologists, nephrologists and medical staff who care for dialysis access patients.

CME credits available for attendees & online participants

About The CiDA Meeting

The culture of this meeting is in its name, CiDA, the acronym for Controversies in Dialysis Access.

The kidney failure patient has complex medical needs, and optimal solutions to provide life-saving renal replacement may not be obvious. Surgeons, Nephrologists, Interventional Radiologists, staff at dialysis units, and others are all equipped with different training, experience, and expertise. All of these providers offer certain elements of patient care. But care isn’t seamless, and there are many different ways to “see” the issues that these patients face.

Sessions at a Glance

Thursday, October 30

  • CiDA Sessions
  • Exhibit Hall
  • Industry Sessions
  • SoDA Course
  • Networking Reception with the Exibitors

Friday, October 31

  • CiDA Sessions
  • SoDA Fellows Course
  • Exhibit Hall
  • Industry Sessions
  • SoDA Course

Saturday, November 1

  • CiDA Sessions
  • SoDA Fellows Course
  • Exhibit Hall
  • Industry Sessions

Location & Lodging

The Sheraton Boston Hotel

  • 39 Dalton Street, Boston, MA 02199
  • Group rate = $359 single/double plus applicable taxes
  • Rate expires October 6, 2025, or while availability lasts

attendee testimonials

“It is a very practical meeting. It will allow me to take practical tips and tricks back to my practice and apply to my patients.”

“This meeting always exceeds expectations. It is fantastic. the lively spirit of the participants is inspiring. Innovative. Talks are well conceived and constructed.”

“Strong emphasis on team approach to vascular access care from initial screening through final cannulation.”

“Information provided is not something which can be easily gathered by reading. It is more of wisdom developed through years of practice of the art.”

“Overall, action packed, fast moving and engaging.”

“I thought the conference was very educationally rich. I am a clinician and was pleased to see that the vast majority of context was clinical in nature. I found the speakers and presentations to be very engaging and entertaining while also being informative.”

“Objectives were covered in such a manner in which it was fun and entertaining and at the same time very didactic.”

“Up to date on all new developments and treatment and devices available in the vascular access world, as well having the hands on opportunity to use and see the devices in SODA.”

“I will share learnings with the health care team and encourage Vascular Access Surgeons, INs, IRs, and Nephrologists, and Nephrology Nurses to attend future CIDA Conferences.”


CiDA remained committed to holding its annual meeting in 2020. It took the form of an online, one-hour PodCASE – delivered weekly for 6 weeks, which has been recorded for you to access anytime.


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